Its been a very long time since i updated this blog. Wow, since Halloween (9 months!)! So much has happened since then, i dont even know where to begin.
I will start with the sad part and get it out of the way. On Friday May 16, 2008, my Mother died. Very, very unexpectedly. She was only 58 yrs old. She laid down for a nap and didnt wake up. She had pernicious anemia and was inconclusive for lupus, but was well monitored by her doctors and theres no reason to believe either had anything to do with her death. The coroner's report (along with toxicology) should take 11-14 weeks (what they told my father) so we are still waiting to find out what happened. I need to know. I cannot accept that a 58 yr old woman can just lay down for a nap and not wake up. I am not coping well at all and we are all still very distraught over her death.
Throughout this blog, in the comments, you can see comments from "Mom" or "GramMari". Thats Mom. She had a very close relationship with all 4 of my children and loved them so much. Her loss has had an enormous impact on our family. It is so sad to know that my twins will not grow up knowing her. I am greatful for the time and the pictures we have, and that my older children will remember her.
So, with that part said, the rest of the news...
At the beginning of May my husband was offered a job in Texas. One of "those" offers that you'd be crazy to turn down. So we went for it. Tim started work on a Monday in NW Austin. It was the same week, that Friday, that Mom died. The kids and I were in TN still, so the girls could finish school. Tim came in early June and got the kids and I and we stayed in an extended stay hotel for a month while we looked for a house. We found one, in Round Rock, Texas. Its just about 15-20 minutes from Tim's office so it works out well. We choose this area for the excellent schools. We really like this house and this area. We are happy here :)
Mikayla is 11 1/2 and will be starting 6th grade in August. I am so nervous about her going to Middle School. I think she is a little nervous too but she doesnt want to talk about school because "duh Mom, its summer vacation!" LOL. Harley will be starting 4th grade and is actually excited about a new school, new friends, etc. She has a very adventerous personality so this is all quite exciting to her! She has already made good friends with our next door neighbor's granddaughter and has already had a sleepover! Not even here a month and the girl has a new BFF ;)
I guess thats about it... here are some pictures, some from the hotel (which we affectionatley called "The Suite Life of Harley and Mikayla" LOL and some from the house. Oh I should mention, Mikayla got her hair cut ... 17 inches. Yes you read that right. SEVENTEEN inches. Youch. Its cute tho! :)