Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
my sweet babies
im so in love :)
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Posted by
9:29 PM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Evie & Jackson are 2 months old!
Well my little ones are officially 2 months old today! They had their 2 month checkup and they have both doubled their birth weights!!!!
They are now :
Evie - 7 lbs 4 oz
Jackson - 7 lbs 8 oz
I cant believe it, they are both the size of a regular ole full term baby!
Good news is they are both doing very well developmentally. Grasping for toys and drawing them to their mouths, smiling, staring at their hands (so cute!), making ahh noises at us, lifting & turning their heads while on their tummy.
Of course, as it seems, we cannot have an appt without some drama... they have both been having dark black tarry stools. The dr was concerned and took a sample and tested it. Evie's results werent blue like the dr wanted, so we are collecting stool samples for both babies and the lab will test it. Im going to assume all is fine, but of course it worries me. Dh and I had just assumed it was the iron fortified formula.
They had their 2nd RSV shots today. My poor babies - neither of them really cry, just let out a few little "squals" and then stop. But when they got the shot they cried for about 30 seconds each. It was heart *breaking*. We've been giving them infant tylenol for the obvious discomfort and it seems to be helping. Hopefully they will be feeling better tommorrow.
Well, thats about it! I cant believe my sweet babies are 2 months old already! I would be 39 weeks pregnant today if they had not been premature. I know next Monday, the 29th (my due date) will be very bitter sweet.
Posted by
7:34 PM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
cute pics!
we went to visit my friend today and the babies looked adorable so i had to snap a pic - cute babes, terrible quality pics!
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Posted by
5:59 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
8 weeks old!
well, my babies are 8 weeks old now! It doesnt seem possible that they are already 8 weeks old!
They are so precious :) Both are sweet happy babies. They LOVE laying on a blankie facing each other. They make noises at each other and grab each other's hands, faces, pacifiers (lol). They are the sweetest little twinkies :) I am so in love!!
Here are some pics from tonight -
Images hosted at
They have their 2 month checkup Monday, will update then!!
Posted by
9:09 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
looks like mama?
my mom sent me this pic of myself at 2 days old... i think evie looks alot like me!
me at 2 days old - Free Image Hosting
Evie at 3 weeks, 4 days old - Free Image Hosting
Posted by
11:29 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007
Baby Milestones
I was curious about fullterm baby milestones, so i looked it up! Heres what I found:
By the end of month one a baby typically:
Lifts head for short periods of time - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
Moves head from side to side - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
Prefers the human face to other shapes - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
Makes jerky, arm movements - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
Brings hands to face - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
Has strong reflex movements - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
Can focus on items 8 to 12 inches away - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
May turn towards familiar sounds or voices - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
Responds to loud sounds - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
Blinks at bright lights - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
By the end of month two a baby typically:
Smiles - - Evie & Jackson can both do this, tho not alot yet
Tracks objects with his eyes - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
Makes noises other than crying - Evie & Jackson can both do this!
May repeat vowel noises, such as "ah" or "ooh" - they both sigh alot, Jackson tries to "ooh" - he forms his mouth in the sound.
So as you can see, both babes are trucking right along, even tho they are still almost 3 weeks from their due date!!!
Posted by
10:34 PM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
my gorgeous baby boy!
Jackson was quite active this evening after his bottle so i took the opportunity to snap a few pics.. heres my favorite one! - Free Image Hosting
Posted by
8:49 PM
Sunday, January 7, 2007
a few pics
babies are doing well, we have a weight check on wed. im pumping while i type but heres a few pics
in these 2 pics the babies are wearing little hats my friend Aimee made. They are the first little hats that actually fit besides the ones from the hospital!
Posted by
7:37 PM
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Twins, side by side
the quality of this picture is terrible, but here is a picture of the babies laying side by side. I thought it was cute :)
A development update on the babies - they are really doing WELL! They are doing the same stuff our older girls did at this age (6 weeks tommorrow). They both grab at toys - each baby can get ahold of a toy and draw it to their mouth. They dont "coo" yet but they both do the "ahhh" noise. They make great eye contact. They both seem to get real excited when they are spoken to and played with, or when they see a toy.
Posted by
4:15 PM