Thursday, December 14, 2006

12/14/06 - 3 weeks, 1 day old

Some exciting news tonight!!

Jackson is officially over 4 lbs YAY!!! He weighed in at 4 lbs 1 1/4 oz and is headed to the open crib after his 2am feeding! The nurse is putting him in the double crib because Evie should hit 4 lbs tommorrow night! Jackson took his whole 8pm feeding very well from a bottle as well. He is doing so well! :)

Evie weighed in at 3 lbs 15 1/4 oz, sooo close! Like i said, she is expected to hit 4 lbs tommorrow night :) She also did well taking her 8pm feeding from a bottle. Some mroe exciting news - after her feeding I was holding Evie and was letting her root around and she latched on and nursed!!! Im talking the full suck/swallow/breathe going for 2 good minutes!! It was awesome, after 3 weeks and 1 day i was able to nurse one of my babies :) She stopped suckling and I unlatched her and she fell asleep. I didnt want to wear her out by letting her nurse more than a few nminutes, especially since she had just finished her bottle.

Anyway, it was a wonderful visit :) Heres a few pics...

and my big girls...!!!

Mikayla, the day after her 10th birthday!

and my little Harley with weat hair ;)

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1 comment:

WeAre5 said...

What wonderful news, you are so close to taking those beautiful babies home!!
