Sunday, November 26, 2006

Another post from 11/24/06

Post from a mama board on 11/24/06 at 251 pm

After 12 days of being in the hospital in preterm labor, I had my babies 11/22/06. Evie was born first, vaginally, at 9:39 pm and Jackson was born footling breech at 9:42 pm.

Both babies are of course in the NICU on nasal cannulas, a tube down their throat to get rid of air i think, an IV in their belly buttons for blood and medication, and a handful of leads/monitors. he neonatologist said after their birth they may be home around 35 weeks gestation, which is Christmas Day.

Heres my precious babies

Jackson Alexander, 3 lbs 8 1/4 oz & 15 1/2 inches long (the official "baby" of the family now since he was born after Evie!)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and Evelynn Brooke, 3 lbs 7 1/4 oz & 15 inches long - the spittin image of big sister Mikayla as a newborn (but 3 lbs smaller)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Its hurtin like crazy being away from my babies, its gonna be a long several weeks until they come home.

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