Tuesday, February 20, 2007

almost 3 months old!

The babies will be 3 months old in 2 days, i cannot believe it!! They had their RSV shots today. Evie is 9 lbs 13 oz and Jackson is 9 lbs 12 oz!! WOW Almost 10 lbs!!! It seems unreal to me that they have almost tripled their birth weights!!

After the dr visit my sister took me to brunch. Then another sister joined us and we went to the store and they surprised me with a baby swing!! It was really unexpected, and so sweet of them :) We got it home and dh put it together. The babies LOVE LOVE LOVE the swing!!! Of course i had to take pics ;)

Jackson chillin in the swing:

Evie chillin in the swing:

Babies 'posing' in their cute outfits GramMari got them!

My beautiful sister Becki, holding Evie. She is so smitten with these babies!!!

My precious boy Jackson lookin so big in his big boy clothes!

Images hosted at HoldThatPic.com

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