4 month checkup
Ive been neglectful in updating this blog. Life with twins + 2 big girls, ya know? LOL
The twins had their official 4 month checkup at almost 4 1/2 months old. They were both 12 lbs 5 oz and 22 1/2 inches long!! Both officially on the normal baby weight chart YAY!!!!!! They also both have 40 cm sized heads! Isnt is bizarre that their measurements are identical?
They have both been put on zantac for silent reflux. I thought this was an issue but was in denial i guess. We're gonna try the zantac for a month and see if things improve.
They only have to be on their high cal preemie formula for 2 more months YAY!
The dr noted in their chart to watch for GERD. She also said their issues (reflux, reactive airway disease) are common preemie issues.
She was surprised how strong they both are! Also surprised how on track they are for development!!! For 30 weekers they are quite amazing!!!! Doing everything a late blooming 4 month old would do!
Let's see... she also said theres no reason they should be waking so much at night and gave the okay to let them cry for 5 minutes in their beds. BUT... im not a CIO mama so thats not something im going to do...yet LOL If i get desparate enough i may look into other sleep options, but CIO is not my first thought. Right now we have started offering the pacifier when they wake up fussing and last night Jackson actually went back to sleep for 2 more hours. One thing i know for sure is this twin thing is a whole new ballpark and what worked for 1 baby isnt neccesarily the right way with these 2 babies! We just kind of take it day by day, follow our instincts, and when in doubt - wing it LOL
Thats about all
The above was a copy from what I wrote a few days ago... to update - we have decided we do NOT want to do CIO (cry it out) for any reason if we can at all help it. Yes unfortunatley sometimes they cry - if I have to go potty and am alone with them they might cry. But we dont do it on purpose, have NEVER done it on purpose with our big girls and dont plan on doing it on purpose with these babies either. What we have been doing is, when they fuss at night we pop their pacis back n their mouths. That seems to be working VERY well for Evie. The past 3 night sshe has slept, dare i say, WELL! Im talking 6-7 hour stretches!!! Jackson on the other hand is hit or miss. Still working with him. It will come. But at least Evie is doing well for now :)
Their little personalities are developing and they are so cute! Jackson is a real flirt. He LOVES attention and smiles and coos and giggles. He is a real doll baby!! Evie has a few "overwhelmed" issues. She gets very overwhelmed very easily. This causes her to scream. We do our best to avoid situations that we know will upset her but its not always possible. When she is just at home, chillinl, she is such a sweetie pie. She smiles and giggles and coos. She LOVES her big sisters :) Both babies are very strong. want to sit up (and can actually sit up unsupported for a few seconds before tumbling over lol). They still dont care much for tummy time, and we dont push it. We just follow their cues.
These 2 little babies have come so far in such a short time. We are very blessed to have them in our family :)
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